United for a Sustainable Future
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The urgency of implementing sustainable measures is clear.
37.4 billion tons: CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels hit a new record in 2024
Total GHG emissions reached 53 Gt CO₂ equivalent, the highest recorded.
2024 is on track to be the warmest year ever, with extreme weather disasters causing $92.9 billion in damages in the U.S. alone.
Arctic ice continues to melt, and ocean acidification endangers marine ecosystems.
Air pollution remains a leading cause of 7 million deaths annually, with severe health impacts on children.
Climate migration and food insecurity threaten millions globally.
Call to action
Global emissions must decrease 42% by 2030 to meet the 2°C target. Immediate investment in renewable energy, reforestation, and sustainable infrastructure is essential to safeguard the planet and humanity.
Our Mission is to join the efforts of NGOs, companies and institutions to increase public awareness of the need for urgent change and stimulate innovation, sustainable practices and create a more prosperous society.
Our Vision: A sustainable future where nature and society coexist in harmony, achieved through innovative solutions and collaboration.
Eco Cluster Bulgaria
Координира знанията и опита на НПО сектора
Еко Клъстер България (ЕЦБ) обединява и координира знанията и опита на неправителствени организации, иновативни компании, изследователски институции и други заинтересовани страни за насърчаване и подкрепа на устойчивия преход.